Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dinner treat for head of public services from 18 African countries in the Commonwealth meeting in Dar es salaam

 Tanzania's Chief Secretary Amb. Ombeni Sefue welcomes to  dinner head of public services from 18 African countries in the Commonwealth who are gathered in Dar es Salaam for their 12th Forum.
 Some of the head of public services from 18 African countries in the Commonwealth during the dinner
 Senior officials from the Tanzania publis services
 Part of members of the delegation
 Local staff
 Local staffers
 Tanzania's Chief Secretary Amb. Ombeni Sefue 
 Tanzania's Chief Secretary Amb. Ombeni Sefue and acting Head of Tanzania Public Service HAB Mkwizu invite the delegates to receive khanga presents
 Swaziland delegation receive their khanga presents
 Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Josephine Ojiambo receives her khanga present
 Khanga for South Africa
 Uganda head of public service
 Swaziland's head of public service joins the parade during a fashion show for the guests
 Khanga dress on display
 Colourful khanga display
 Male model Richard in a traditional men's khanga casual wear
 Part of how the khanga wear is used by Tanzanian women
Top Tanzania designer Asia Khamsin Idarous takes he leave after an exciting show of traditional khanga wear

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