Monday, September 19, 2016

Ambassador's Self-Help Fund Awards 2016:

*Africa Schoolhouse in Mwanza will build a teacher house for Milembe Secondary School where 320 young women attend.

*Community Secondary Education Support (COSES) will purchase laboratory equipment for Shimbwe Secondary School with 421 students.

*Elizabeth Economic and Social Welfare Initiative will purchase materials to dig a borehole benefiting 1,800 residence of Bukore Village, Bunda.

*High Life Social Works Organization (HILSWO), will purchase materials and construct a toilet block for Makangaga Primary School in Lindi, benefiting their 499 students.

*KIKUKWI (Kwizu Chicken Project) will purchase materials for a poultry project in Kilimanjaro benefiting 58 women.

*Kikundi Kilimo Upendo Group of Morogoro will purchase beehives and supplies to benefit 19 members.

*Kilimo na Ufugaji Kanyezi (KIU) will purchase and install an oil press for a 15-member group in Rukwa.

*Pemba Foundation, together with three Pemba cooperatives, will purchase materials and install drip irrigation systems in three villages benefiting 56 families.

*Wanawake Tunaweza Women Group will purchase materials and services to dig a borehole in Mbeya benefiting 2,600 community members.

*Women Caring for the Environment (WOCE) of Dar es Salaam will purchase safety and cleaning equipment to benefit the 20 women working in the city collecting waste.

The Ambassador's Fund for HIV/AIDS Relief awards:

*Chakumuma Group of Mtwara will purchase materials and construct three 25,000 liter in-ground water tanks to collect rooftop water from 3 primary schools in Mtwara and providing water to 1,500 people.

*Foxes Community and Wildlife Conservation Trust (FCWCT) of Iringa will serve over 500 individuals through three programs. They plan to1) Purchase formula for their Milk Powder Program for orphaned infants; 2) Purchase teaching materials and supplies for the pre K program; and 3) Build two greenhouses and one livestock house as well as purchase livestock and supplies for their skill development training which will serve at risk youth.
Hope 4 Young Girls Tanzania will purchase beds, bedding and pads serving 139 students at Hananasif Orphan School at Mkuranga, Dar es Salaam.
Kwa Wazee of Kagera will train 350 boys and young men in their ‘Peace is a Decision’ program designed to end violence against girls and women.
Lugala Lutheran Hospital will purchase equipment and install solar panels and light fixtures at Tanganyika-Masagati Dispensary, Morogoro benefiting 3,881 patients annually.

*Matumaini Group of Kigoma will purchase mattresses and sheets for Mabamba Health Clinic in Kibondo.

*Mavuno Village in Mwanza plans to purchase and install solar water pump at Mavuno Village orphan home benefiting 155 children and staff.

*Molly's Network will conduct capacity building training to strengthen 6 organizations working with 4,800 at risk people and people living with HIV/AIDS in Dar es Salaam.

*Mtwara Youth Anti AIDS Group (MYAAG) will purchase sewing machines and supplies to train 40 orphaned youth in Mtwara District.

*The Registered Trustees of Share and Care Foundation will purchase materials and construct rain water harvesting tanks at 10 schools in Tanga benefiting11, 785 students, staff and community members.

*Tuleeni Orphans Home of Kilimanjaro region will purchase pipes, tanks, and water taps for a water project serving 1,400 at Tuleeni Orphan Home and the surrounding community.

*Women and Child Vision (WOCHIVI) of Arusha will purchase materials and construct pit latrine at Olkerian Primary School serving 876 students and staff. 

The Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Fund and The Ambassador's Fund for HIV/AIDS Relief are part of the U.S. Embassy’s Community Grants Program and accept applications from community organizations throughout the year. 

To learn more about the Community Grants Program, please visit the grants page on our U.S. Embassy website or contact the U.S. Embassy’s Community Grants Office at or by mail at U.S. Embassy Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 9123, Dar es Salaam.

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