Wednesday, September 9, 2015


By Mdau wa globu ya jamii
Every niche has a name. And when it comes to blogging in Tanzania you cannot miss the name of Muhidin Issa Michuzi. His blog, dubbed as Globu ya Jamii (societal blog) , with a slogan “The most read swahili blog on earth”, is unquestionably one of the most informative and most authoritative Swahili blog on earth. I know he has come a long way to deserve all this, and he is still going strong.
With Collins Mtita, author of this note, in Paris
It was on the 8th September of 2005 when Michuzi wrote his first post (see below) for what would become one of the most famous Swahili blogs. Today this very platform marks the first day into another decade. Many have come and many have gone, a few have persistently stood the test of time, and he is one of them.
It is rather uncustomary to find such articles on Michuzi Blog, (taking into slide his rather down-to-earth attitude) but this being a mark to celebrating  his decade long blogging career; I thought he deserves a  pat on the shoulder. And I dare take this opportunity to do just that. 
I know strong people never get this all the time, but once in a while it does more good than harm.
Michuzi was certainly a household name before blogging. He was, and still is, one of the most prominent photojournalists in Tanzania, since way long back in the days when print media ruled. When blogging started, Michuzi found an opportunity to express his burning passion in a more tangible way to reaching more people. The rest is history.
I am aware that he was not the first (but he was the pioneering blogger in Tanzania as then all Tanzanian bloggers were in the Diaspora), but he has made blogging famous. He is not the only one, but he has created a career for many to follow through. He may not be the last, but his name will be engraved in the minds of those who think of blogging as an opportunity to express oneself, as a source of income and a channel to let others shine as well.
If I had to sum up the last decade, here are a few things that I have managed to learn from Michuzi though his long and amusing career of blogging.

1. Love what you do
Falling in love with that you do is perhaps one of the most precious thing I have learnt though my constant encounters with Michuzi. Through chats with him I could easily tell that he does not stress for what he does, simply because he is having fun doing it. When you love what you do, that love becomes expressed in what you do. People can see and they will get to love it too.
At Finlandia hall in Helsinki, Finland
Loving what you do is doing it every day. Loving what you do is doing it with the best of your abilities. Loving what you do is to think about it almost all the time. And Michuzi cannot be overstated in this, because he still loves what he does.
2. Timely provide what people want with standards
Blogging is a hard work, but it rewards handsomely. This can be well understood by those in this niche. What is even harder is to provide what people want while maintaining standards.
When Michuzi started blogging, there was hardly any media outlet that entertained the idea of instantly publishing news or events within a short period of time of it breaking, not even Television. Michuzi saw this opportunity and seized it. In effect, he helped shape news reporting in Tanzania by proving almost real-time updates on main events – on politics, sports, entertainment, and lifestyle. With time, this habit built trust among daily visitors and they became permanent audiences.
It goes without saying that this blog has been so resourceful to the people in the Diaspora. A few years back when social media was  still in its infancy, and not so many people blogging, Michuzi blog was the only way to get updates from Tanzania, and that still continues today.
3. Be simple
Simplicity is the key to brilliance, a simple quote in itself with such a powerful meaning. Simplicity is the power to attract audience and it can never be explained any easier.
Success comes when you think beyond today and trivial challenges. Think at a very higher level, make big decisions but act simple so that more people understand you. That is the recipe for success.
4. Do not be predictable
Predictability is a weakness. If people can tell what you will do next, then you are in the wrong path. The best way is to become so unpredictable that people will keep coming back for more. For so long Michuzi blog has been a homepages for many. These people understood that within a very small span of time there will be something new on Michuzi blog, but they could hardly tell, hence they kept coming back for more hot updates from all walks of life.
5. Become a trendsetter
With Fidelis Tungaraza in Helsinki
The leader is visionary and never distracted by petty issues. He is more focused on solving perennial issues and create path for others to follow. Trendsetting is not easy if you are not focused or do not know what you want, but it is left for a few who have the courage to follow through their ideas even if none believes in them yet.
6. Never give up, enjoy the journey
I once asked Michuzi on how he finds blogging after being in the niche for nearly a decade, his reply was “The journey through blogging has not been easy, but for me it was more fun. I have faced my a share of obstacles on the way, but the best thing about challenges whenever you have fun is that they have a tendency to propelling  you forward. I can say it is magic in disguise.
As we celebrate 10 years of Michuzi blog, I sincerely wish Michuzi Media Group a lot more success and more wonderful opportunities ahead. May you reach and touch more people as they go through their own battles through life. You are inspiration to many.
Thanks a lot Ankal  Muhidin Issa Michuzi. You have been a force to reckon with and an inspiration to me, and hopefully many more.

Mdau wa globu ya jamii, Diaspora

PS: Nashukuru sana mdau wa Diaspora ambaye si mwingine ila huyo hapo juu, Collins Mtita, ambaye ndiye webmaster wangu. Picha inayofuata ni mimi nikiwa Finlandia Hall mwaka huu, miaka 10 baada ya kuanzisha Michuzi Blog mahali hapo Septemba 8, 2005. Fidelis Tunaraza ambaye niko naye katika picha ya mwisho ndiye aliyenishawishi kuanza ku-blog. Picha ya mwisho (ambayo ndito ya kwanza kuweka katika Michuzi Blog) niko na Ndesanjo Macha aliyenifungulia blog na namna ya kuiendesha siku ya kwanza kabisa) . Hawa watu watatu ni muhimu mno katika maisha yangu ya blogging. Nilipanga kufanya sherehe kubwa kuadhimisha siku hii adhimu lakini nikaona haitonoga sana kwa kuwa kuna mambo ya kampeni kila kona. Sherehe nitaifanya mwezi Desemba mwaka huu.

Muhidin Issa Michuzi
Septemba 8, 2015

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