Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hon.Membe Guest of Honour at Pope's anniversary

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, Hon. Bernard Kamilius Membe (MP), speaking at the ceremony, hosted by the latter in Dar es Salaam on Friday evening to mark the first anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Francis. Hon. Membe praised Pope Francis for his "focused direction on world peace and harmony." He said the word of GOD upheld by all faiths preached love, which was the cornerstone for world peace, stability and development. "I believe that the voice of the Pope will remain strong and continue to be heard and provide guidance to us and to the people of the world," he said.
Bishops and invited guests listen to the speech by Hon. Membe
Hon. Bernard Membe listens to the speech by the Apostolic  Nuncio in Tanzania, Archbishop Francisco Montecillo Padilla.
Retired President Benjamin Mkapa (Right)  follows events at the ceremony to mark the first anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Francis. Left is the Dean of Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador Juma-Alfani Mpango
Members of the diplomatic community follow the speech by Hon. Membe
 Minister Membe, exchanges views with the Apostolic Nuncio in Tanzania, H.E. Archbishop Francisco Montecillo Padilla (Centre) during the ceremony. Left is retired President Benjamin Mkapa. 
Minister Membe greets Bishop Methodius Kilaini at the function
Hon. Membe has a word with Bishops.
Invited guests follow the proceedings
The Director of Europe and America in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, Ambassador Joseph Edward Sokoine  exchanges views with the British High Commissioner to Tanzania, Ambassador Dianna Melrose, at the ceremony.
The Minister for Lands and Human Settlements Development, Prof. Anna Tibaijuka, meets the Swedish Ambassador to Tanzania, H.E. Lenarth Hjelmaker.
Hon. Membe, Prof. Tibaijuka and Ambassador Mpango (Left) pose with the bishops
Archbishop Padilla bids farewell to Hon. Membe at  the end of the ceremony

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