DFF 2012 will maintain its principal philosophy of giving an opportunity for the Tanzanian woman entrepreneur to network, learn and sell. As it was last year, DFF 2012 will start with a dose of education to retail shop owners and designers – the Women Empowered in Business Summit (WEBS) will be held on August 12th, 2012 and the theme for this year will be ‘Inspiring Minds, Fulfilling Potentials’. “We all need that special message to uplift us and unlock our unlimited potentials - that’s what WEBS 2012 is about!” said Tina Lasway, co-founder/Strategic Execution Manager for the event.
Women’s Worth, a fashion designer showcase primarily serving as a launch pad for new and emerging designers, together with special appearances from more mature designers will follow on Saturday August 18th, 2012. In 2011, DFF featured six designers including the now internationally renewed Eskado Bird and Eve Collections, Kilechia Fashion and Designs, PICHINI, Francoo, and Rio Paul. “It has been humbling to sit back and watch the amazing transformations of these designers. We are so proud of them” said Lucy Naivasha, one of the co-founders/Marketing and Advertising Manager.
The annual event will come to a close with a shopping extravaganza to be held on August 18th to 19th, 2012. The shopping extravaganza offers independent retailers a reputable platform to reach thousands of consumers via a weekend-long, city-wide shopping extravaganza and increase brand awareness. “As a first -time ever event, we received very positive feedback from both our exhibitors and guests. They taught us a great deal and encouraged us to make this one a bigger, better and more entertaining event” said Ms. Naivasha. Ms. Nambua Mlaki, owner of Cassandra Group of Companies, participated in DFF 2011 and had this to say “If you want your business to achieve big sales and if you want it to be known, then I highly encourage you to participate in DFF”.
According to Ms. Naivasha, the DFF 2012 Shopping Extravaganza to be held at the TTC Grounds in Kijitonyama, is expected to attract more than 2,000 participants from within and outside Dar-es-salaam city. “Last year, we had over 1,000 guests from as far as Nairobi, this year we aim to double that number” said Ms. Naivasha.
DFF 2012 is being organized to coincide with this year Eid-ul Fitr celebrations! “Entertainment for the family is central to Eid celebrations and the fashion festival provides a great family-outing for to mark this religious event.” added Ms. Naivasha.
Fabulous fashion finds, enjoyable music, tasty food and drinks, great products and lots of fun for the family will provide a vibrant and exciting atmosphere as DFF2012 brings to you a shopping experience with a difference. According to Ms. Lasway, DFF has partnered with the Hassan Maajar Trust (HMT) to run a Trade-Up Charity Drive to support HMT to raise funds in order to address the shortage of desks in schools in Tanzania. The charity drive “A Desk for Every Child” will involve guests coming to the shopping festival donating clothing, shoes, and accessories in return for discount vouchers to be used in participating stores. “Everyone has ‘extras’ in their wardrobe that they don’t use anymore. These ‘extras’ can make a huge difference in getting more desks for schools in need. As they say, charity always starts at home and so we see DFF2012 as a great opportunity for making a difference” said Ms. Zena Maajar Mtenga, the Executive Director for HMT.
Fabulous fashion finds, enjoyable music, tasty food and drinks, great products and lots of fun for the family will provide a vibrant and exciting atmosphere as DFF2012 brings to you a shopping experience with a difference. According to Ms. Lasway, DFF has partnered with the Hassan Maajar Trust (HMT) to run a Trade-Up Charity Drive to support HMT to raise funds in order to address the shortage of desks in schools in Tanzania. The charity drive “A Desk for Every Child” will involve guests coming to the shopping festival donating clothing, shoes, and accessories in return for discount vouchers to be used in participating stores. “Everyone has ‘extras’ in their wardrobe that they don’t use anymore. These ‘extras’ can make a huge difference in getting more desks for schools in need. As they say, charity always starts at home and so we see DFF2012 as a great opportunity for making a difference” said Ms. Zena Maajar Mtenga, the Executive Director for HMT.
Contacts: P.O Box 2389 Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania
Phone: +255 786 499944 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +255 786 499944 end_of_the_skype_highlighting | Email: info@darfashionfestival.com
Website: www.darfashionfestival.com
Website: www.darfashionfestival.com
Dar Fashion Festival (also known as “DFF”) is a duly registered women-owned company in Tanzania seeking to identify, support, mentor and promote women's successful engagement and leadership in business, with a particular focus on the fashion industry. The fashion industry includes clothing, accessories, footwear, art, furniture, interior design and décor. DFF works to solidify the foundation of business success basing on three pillars: NETWORK, LEARN, and SELL. DFF provides women with the platform, tools and resources to move from a form of subsistence to stability and self-sufficiency, as well as contributing to a robust private sector. DFF aims to fulfill the dreams and goals of one Tanzanian woman at a time. www.darfashionfestival.com
The Hassan Maajar Trust is registered as a not for profit, non-partisan and non-religious organization that works with people in Tanzania and elsewhere to improve the learning environment is schools across Tanzania by, provide school desks and other furniture and learning equipment. The Trust was established in memory of Hassan Shariff Maajar (Hashy) who died at 18 years in a tragic road accident November 11, 2006.
Hassan attended school at Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa in Mbabane, Swaziland. We are currently mobilizing funds for school desks for Primary schools in Tanzania. From statistics supplied by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, there is a shortage of about 3.0milliondesks countrywide. We intend to raise funds over a three-year period or lees to cover the deficit so that every child has a desk and a chair. Our first campaign is “A Desk for Every Child”. www.hassanmaajartrust.org
Hassan attended school at Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa in Mbabane, Swaziland. We are currently mobilizing funds for school desks for Primary schools in Tanzania. From statistics supplied by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, there is a shortage of about 3.0milliondesks countrywide. We intend to raise funds over a three-year period or lees to cover the deficit so that every child has a desk and a chair. Our first campaign is “A Desk for Every Child”. www.hassanmaajartrust.org
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