Wednesday, June 26, 2013


From left to right: Raymond Maro the EAC Youth Ambassador to Tanzania, the Rwandan High Commissioner to Tanzania, Dr. Khoti Chilomba Kamanga, Mr. Eric Ngilangwa EAC Trainer of Trainers.

The Guest of Honor with the attendees of the conference.

Tanzania-German Centre for Eastern African Legal Studies (TGCL) students in collaboration wth East African Community (EAC) Debaters and Trainers of Trainers organised and conducted the EAC Conference on 22nd June 2013, Nkrumah Hall, University of Dar es Salaam. 

The conference brought together academic staffs and undergraduate and graduate students from University of Dar es Salaam and Azania College of Law. This Conference aimed at raising awareness on EAC integration process to young people in light with TGCL programme.

The Guest of Honour His Excellency the High Commissioner of the Republic of Rwanda to United Republic of Tanzania called upon the EAC youth to take an active part in the integration process because the future of the community is in their hands. He also advised youth to visit to other EAC states so as they can exchange experience and good practises among themselves. “Every generation has its own opportunities and challenges... You the next generation has the task of doing the unsplitting, de-balkanisation that was done by the colonialists... East African youth deserve better and should not settle for less.”

Dr Khoti Chilomba KAMANGA, while exploring the meaning and significance of the term ‘people-centered regional integration’, stated that although EAC is purporting to be a people-centered integration none of its key policy making bodies: Summit, Council, Secretariat, East African Legislative Assembly, or even the East African Court of Justice are characterized by that ‘free and meaningful access’ for the ‘man in the street’. It was noted that people-centered has not been defined anywhere in the 1999 Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC. And this situation has bad implications for the growth of regional integration in the sub-region especially to young people.

Raymond Maro, the EAC Youth Ambassador to Tanzania stated that, in East Africa over 50 percent of her population are young people who are constantly job seekers within their respective states. Not less than 15 per cent have dropped out of the labor market, having lost all the hope of being able to work for decent living. Raymond sees the EAC Integration as a solution to unemployment problem in East Africa.

The cordinator of TGCL Dr Kennedy Gastorn stated that the region has been seen to suffer from political instabilities that leave the young children and young adults exposed to the vagaries of genocide, warfare and extreme violence. It is the youth that suffer to the extent that they are left orphaned, displaced from their homes or even recruited into active combat as child soldiers. 

Due to that youth in East Africa have a major role to play in changing the approach towards conflict resolution in the region. Among the opportunities that the youth have in the integration process include wider choices of and higher quality of education, more research and exchange programs; entrepreneurs have a bigger market to target; and deeper cultural interaction will not only create more jobs but also promote harmony in the region.

Mr Eric Ngilangwa, the runner-up 2012 best EAC Debater and EAC Trainer of Trainers presented on the hopes and fears that youth have with regards to the Political integration, that was preceded by a short brief on the entire integration process and remarks on why the youth need to care about the EAC and that they should act. This presentation was followed by Ms Magdalena Slyster, a TGCL student who presented about the Common market and its opportunities to the youth. In order to ensure to attain the desired results on time, she argued that the restrictions to trade be removed as the five countries had agreed to, and that better monitoring and regulations be put in place.

Lastly Ms Naomi Gichuki a TGCL student made a presentation about TGCL opportunities to EAC youth to include Masters and PhD Scholarships, Research opportunities and study trips.

The chief organizer of this Conference Ms. Victoria M. Lihiru informed that the conference was of great success as it brought together member of the academia and students to discuss how youth can take an active part in EAC intergration process and it has recealled to the EAC youth the opportnities offered by TGCL.

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