Thursday, June 27, 2013

Membe: Tanzania keen on ‘Technology and Power’ initiatives

Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation during his radio interview earlier this morning with Clouds FM's program Power Breakfast.

Mr. Gerald Hando listens to Hon. Membe as he explains about upcoming historical visits and meetings that includes the State Visit of Sri Lanka President scheduled for June 27, the Smart Partnership Dialogue scheduled to kick off on June 28, the Official Visit of President Barack Obama of the United States of America on July 1 and the First Lady Meeting on July 2, 2013.   All events are scheduled to take place in Dar es Salaam. 


The Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation earlier today met with Clouds FM casts to discuss the upcoming historical visits of multiple world dignitaries, placing Dar on the competitive pedestal among other African Nations.

“It is going to be a week of sequential events that will feature technology, energy and women empowerment dialogues by world leaders, key stakeholders and citizens – all aim at boosting and transforming Tanzania’s socio-economic endeavors to the highest form,” said Hon. Bernard K. Membe during his interview with Mr. Gerald Hando, host of the programPower Breakfast.

He further noted that Tanzania is a forefront runner of peace and security, with good governance and democracy in Africa Continent, which is the latter that attracts world leaders to choose it as a must-country to visit. 

Tanzania recently was ranked 55th in the 2013 Global Peace Index (GPI), ranking above other East African countries (Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya and Uganda) according to the index produced by the Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP).

Prior to unveiling the upcoming events, Hon. Membe first took time to wish a speedy recovery to the ailing Mr. Nelson Mandela, an anti-apartheid icon and former President of South Africa, who has been in a critical condition in the Hospital. Mr. Mandela had been a symbolic figure for his revolutionary role in the Civil Rights Movement in a fight against apartheid in South Africa.

“Mandela is a fighter, and we know he will pull this through.  We are sending our prayers to him, his family and the South Africans, for a speedy recovery,” said Hon. Membe during his interview with Clouds FM Power Breakfast.  

During his interview, Minister Membe said that World Leaders from 14 countries are expected to start arriving in Dar es Salaam anytime, starting with President King Mswati III of Swaziland who was expected to arrive later today.  Other Leaders include countries of Sri Lanka, Uganda, Kenya, Algeria, Zimbabwe, the United States and others.

In going over the programs, Minister Membe said that the Global 2013 Smart Partnership Dialogue kicks off on June 28, 2013 with theme of “Leveraging Technology for Africa’s Socio-Economic Transformation: the Smart Partnership Way”, convened by Chief Secretary Ambassador Ombeni Y. Sefue.  Smart Partnership Dialogue is the brainchild of the Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management. It creates a platform for key decision-makers in both the public and private sectors from various countries to come together with a view to coming up with solutions to social and economic problems bedeviling their nations.
The main objective of Smart Partnership Dialogue is to enhance government engagement with all sectors of the society in enhancing information, knowledge and expertise in finding solutions to sustainable development challenges. Smart Partnership International Dialogues are held alternately between Malaysia and countries in southern Africa and are jointly organized by the Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management (CPTM) and the Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT).  The four-days’ Dialogue will be hosted by President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania.  
Another event is the official two-days tour by President Barack Obama of the United States of America on July 1 to 2, 2013, where he is expected to participate in a roundtable of businessmen drawn from the US, Tanzania and other African countries.  He is also expected to launch the Power Africa Initiative at the US' Symbion Power Plant in Ubungo, foreshadows to build energy infrastructures in Africa.  Recently, Tanzania has been exploring gas and oil in Mtwara and Lindi Regions, which is geared to power the economy in the country.

Indeed, there is going to be this year’s African First Ladies’ Summit, hosted by our First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete on July 2-3, 2013, which aims at promoting women’s education, health and economic empowerment. 

The Summit will be attended by US First Lady Mrs. Michelle Obama, former US First Lady Mrs. Laura Bush and her husband former President George W. Bush Jr., including Ms. Nancy G. Brinker, the UN Goodwill Ambassador for Cancer Control and Mrs. Cherie Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.  Other participants include First Ladies from Zambia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Namibia.

First Lady Mama Kikwete is also expected to host a tea-get-together for her counterpart Mrs. Obama, then the two will visit the Memorial site to the 1998 US Embassy bombing, including observing a performance by the Baba wa Watoto troupe.

In responding to recent criticisms about country’s multiple visits, including why President Obama chose to visit Tanzania, Hon. Membe explained that the visits are essential in anchoring socio-economic development in the country, as they are set to open new business ventures and investment opportunities for the country.  He highlighted the success achieved from the First Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) since 2008, which resulted from the 700 million US dollars (about 1.12tri/-) invested by the United States through MCC to rehabilitate and expand water, energy and road infrastructure development that included the completion of the highway from Tanga to Horohoro, upgrading of Mtwara Corridor and upgrading of Tunduma to Sumbawanga road.  

Hon. Membe further hailed President Kikwete’s exemplary leadership and his unwavering dedication that has positioned Tanzania to be eligible to develop second MCC compact proposals. This is because Tanzania has performed well on the MCC scorecard on its first compact implementation, and has continued a good policy performance and development proposals that have significant potential to promote economic growth and reduce poverty.

“The other reason is the fact that the World sees us as among the champions of good governance and democracy,” said Hon. Membe, also highlighting recent measures taken to restore peace, security and stability in Eastern Congo-DRC by deploying battalion of more than 850 soldiers to join the United Nations peacekeeping mission. Currently, Tanzania sits as a Chairman for the Southern African Development Community (SADC)’s organ tasked with politics, defence, security and co-operation.

Recently, Tanzania has been voted the best Safari Destination in Africa, with a score of 4.8 out of 5 stars by “”, an online marketplace for African Safari tours.  The survey, which was conducted to more than 1,000 safari-travelers and reputable industry experts, ranked Tanzania as the most outstanding winner beating Botswana by about a tenth of a point, whereby Kenya came third, Zambia fourth and South Africa ranked fifth.

The Global 2013 Smart Partnership is expected to climax on the 1st July this year, whereby the US President Barack Obama is expected to arrive in Tanzania for a two-day official tour.

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