Monday, October 8, 2012

TANAPA Launch Media Awards 2012

Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) has launched the first ever 2012 TANAPA Media Awards as its efforts in promoting and creating awareness on Domestic Tourism and Conservation Activities in the National Parks. TANAPA Media Awards 2012 aim at encouraging local journalists and media practitioners in the country to effectively use their profession in sensitizing the public on the two agendas of Domestic Tourism and Conservation Activities in the National Parks.

Currently, the number of locals visiting the parks is quite low as compared to the foreigners. Tanzanians needs to be highly sensitized on the importance of visiting national parks during their vacations. TANAPA is of the opinion that local media can perform this role effectively if asked to do so.
Likewise, very few amongst the local people understand the importance of conservation for the development of our country. The public needs to be educated properly on the importance of natural resources conservation for the benefit of the current and future generations, which our country has decided to preserve them.
TANAPA Media Awards 2012 will be an annual event where local journalists will have chance to showcase their reportage competence in the areas of Domestic Tourism and Conservation. It is a platform through which TANAPA can recognize the efforts of various media houses in the country and the journalists who consciously and consistently pursue and highlight TANAPA activities.
In this regard, TANAPA Media Awards seek to reinforce the critical role of the media in driving the locals in participating in domestic tourism as well as engaging themselves in protecting areas designated as National Parks.
Who can enter
The competition is open to all bone fide practicing journalists and producers from Newspapers, Television and Radios in the Tanzanian Media.
To qualify for the TANAPA Media Awards 2012, all submissions must have been published or broadcast in the period 01st January, 2012 – 31st December, 2012.
How to enter
Journalists can enter a maximum of three pieces per category; active website links for articles published online may be submitted by email, while print articles may be submitted in hard copy or electronically (scanned to PDF).
Radio/video/Television clips may be submitted via CD/DVD.
In addition, journalists vying for the Awards are required to complete the Awards entry form where they will provide titles, date(s) of publication and the publishing media house(s) of submitted entries.
There are two (2) categories for the TANAPA Media Awards 2012. Submission to more than one category is allowed. Detailed information on each is provided below:
1.      Domestic Tourism in the National Parks Award:
The Domestic Tourism in the National Parks’ Award is given for the best news or feature story or series of news/feature stories that expose the tourist attractions found in the parks as well as encouraging local people to visit these attractions thereby highlighting their importance.
(i)                 Radio
(ii)               Television
(iii)             Newspaper

2.      Conservation of National Parks Award
The Conservation of National Parks Awards is given for the best news or feature story or series of news/feature stories that expose efforts of conservation activities by TANAPA, challenges facing these activities and the way forward.
(i)                 Radio
(ii)               Television
(iii)             Newspaper

Submission formats
Print (Maximum word count per article/feature: 3000 words)
Email: Submit as MS Word or PDF attachment
Post: A4 printout of article; A4 or A3 article photocopy; or original newspaper cutout
Electronic (Radio/Television)
Submit as MP3, MP4 on CD or DVD (not exceeding 1 hour in length).
Panel of Judges
TANAPA Media Awards will have a six-member Panel of Judges to adjudicate entries. The Panel is comprised of individuals of the highest integrity, who commands a fine understanding of journalistic practice in general and in the Conservation and Tourism context in particular.
Entries will be evaluated in their potential to capture the interest on originality of the subject; quality of the investigation/research; quality of treatment; creativity in writing and presentation; ability to relate tourism and conservation to social, economic and / or environmental issues; potential impact with the public and policy makers.

Entries may be submitted in English or Swahili language accompanied by an application form.

Selection criteria:
Nomination Packages should include the following:

·         A completed nomination form (available at:
·         Features or stories must provide authentic, informative and up to date content on a wide range of topics on tourism and conservation related to not only their products and services, but on TANZANIA NATIONAL PARKS as a tourism destination of choice.
·         Entries must create interactive experience for the expected visitors.
·         Promotes sustainable tourism and conservation practices as a means to overcome challenges to tourism and conservation in Tanzania National Parks

In addition to entries being required to meet the primary standards of accuracy and balance, while reflecting journalistic integrity, the Panel of Judges will be looking for the following qualities:
Enterprise/Endeavour: Proof of extraordinary effort invested by the journalist to get the story
Originality: A story idea(s) on the issues of Domestic Tourism and Conservation of National Parks that is out of the ordinary; ground-breaking
Innovative use of medium: An inventive use of the medium(s) at the journalist’s disposal
Clarity/Simplicity: A style that tells the story in a simple, clear yet engaging/interesting style
Consistency: A passion for reporting TANAPA’s Domestic Tourism and Conservation stories, as evidenced by proof of consistent reportage
A maximum of nine (9) finalists will be selected for each category by the Panel of Judges. Finalists will be invited and required to attend the Awards ceremony in person.
Each category winner will receive prizes as follows:
First Winner:              A cash prize of 1,500,000, plaque, certificate and a study tour to one of the SADC Countries
Second Winner:          A cash prize of 1,000,000, plaque and a certificate
Third Winner:            A cash prize of 500,000 and certificate

Submission deadlines
Entries must reach the TANAPA Headquarters 31st December, 2012. Entries after this date will be automatically be disqualified.
Submissions by email should be sent to
Submissions by post should be addressed to:
Director General
Tanzania National Parks
ATTENTION: Public Relations Department - TANAPA Media Awards 2012
P.O. Box 3134
Arusha, Tanzania
NOTE: Nomination materials will not be returned. Summaries of winners and their categories will be published in the local media.
Issued by:
Pascal Shelutete
6TH October, 2012

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