Sunday, September 30, 2012

kampeni ya kutoa elimu, utetezi na msada kwa gonjwa saratani ya tezi dume.

Ndugu Dismas Massawe, (aliyeinua gazeti) CEO na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa MAN Magazine akiongea na waandishi kwa nini kampuni yake inajihusisha kwa karibu katika kampeini ya kutoa elimu, utetezi na msada kwa gonjwa saratni ya tezi dume. Wengine katika picha ni Dr. Kandusi, Mratibu wa Tanzania 50 Plus Campaign na Mr. Kaale mtaalamu wa tiba ya mionzi wa
 Ocean Road Cancer Institute.

Mimi nimefuatana na Mch. Dr. Emmanuel Kandusi ambaye ni mwaathirika, muhanga na manusura wa saratani ya tezi dume (prostate cancer) ili niongee nanyi machache. Dr. Kandusi baada ya kuugua gonjwa hilo, gonjwa linalowasibu wanaume tu, akiwajali wanaume wenzake, aliona kukaa kimya si faida “alivunja ukimya” na kuanza kutoa elimu na kuwasaidia wanaume wenzake katika kukabiliana na saratani ya tezi dume. Saratani ni gonjwa ambalo limepamba moto dunia nzima lakini sisi huku Afrika tunaathirika sana. Zipo aina zaidi ya 100 za saratani, lakini saratani ya tezi dume ndio saratani hatari sana inayowapata wanaume tu na hasa kuanzia hata miaka 40 na kuendelea.

Kati ya nukta ninazoweza kuzitaja kwa haraka haraka ni hizi:
·        Katika wanaume 5, mmoja atapata saratani ya tezi dume;
·        Kila dakika 5 wanaume wawili wanagunduliwa wana saratani ya tezi dume;
·        Katika wanaume 100 wanaogundulika na saratani za aina mbali mbali, 25 wanakuwa na saratani ya tezi dume;
·        Mtu ambaye ana ndugu wa karibu (baba, babu, kaka etc) yuko katika hali hatarishi kupata saratani ya tezi dume;
·        Saratani ya tezi dume inaua mtu mmoja kila dakika 13;
·        Mbaya zaidi saratani ya tezi dume huwezi kuigundua mwanzoni. Inachukua miaka zaidi ya 8 ndipo dalili zinmapoanza kujitokeza.
Kwa uchache ukiangalia haya niliyogusia utaona kuna umuhimu mkubwa kutoa elimu kwa jamii ili akina baba na hata akina mama wajue hali hatarishi, dalili za saratani   ya tezi dume na hasa umuhimu wa kufanya uchunguzi wa tezi dume kwa wanaume wote ikibidi kuanzia miaka 40. Kama ilivyo kwa saratani nyingi, saratani ya tezi dume ikigundulika mapema inatibika kwa urahisi zaidi.
Sisi wa MAN Magazine, gazeti linalochapisha maswala mengi yanayomhusu mwanaume, tulivutiwa tokea mwanzo wa Tanzania 50 Plus Campaign na tukaona wadau wa kampeini hii na wadau wa MAN Magazine ni wamoja – WANAUME. Tumekuwa mstari wa mbele kuchapisha makala nyingi toka Tanzania 50 Plus Campaign na wasomaji wetu wame-appreciate sana elimu hiyo. Pia tumekuwa kila tunapoweza kuchangia Tanzania 50 Plus Campaign katika hali na mali.
Namalizia kwa kutoa changamoto kwa wenzangu waandishi wa habari, lishikieni bango gonjwa hili – saratani na hususani saratani ya tezi dume. Serikali iweke mikakati mtambuka kuhusu saratani na kuitekeleza kwa vitendo. Wafanyabiashara na makampuni mbalimbali yaunge mkono kampeini zote za saratani – za matiti, shingo ya uzazi, ngozi nk na pia saratani ya tezi dume inayoendeshwa na Tanzania 50 Plus Campaign. Gonjwa hili si la kitabaka, leo kwangu kesho kwako !
Ahsanteni kwa kunisikiliza !

Dismus Massawe
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji
MAN Magazine
September 28, 2012 AD

Marketing and Communication professionals called upon to take their rightful position in the social economic growth of the East African Economic Community… TMCC 2012

From left Eddie Roberts (CEO Push Observer), Caroline Lukalo (CEO Bulls Eye), Chinwe Kalu, ED Customer Passion Point, Ike Kalu, 

Dar es Salaam, on Thursday 27th September 2012 hosted Marketing and Communication professionals at the Tanzania Marketing Communication Conference 2012 organized by Marketing Initiatives Limited which held at Serena Hotels. All the speakers spoke passionately about the Marketing challenges facing the East African Community.

The annual conference,  which is the high point of the quarterly seminars organized by Marketing Initiatives Limited was themed ‘Challenges of Marketing in the East African Community Common Market’ and it was indeed an opportunity for wholesome discussions on the role of Marketing and how Marketing communication tools can be leveraged to build the economic community.  Mr. Rodgers Mbaga, CEO of MIL in his opening remark said ‘Considering that in recent times, the East African Community has opened doors/borders where goods, services and labor are now moving freely within the zone, the Marketing challenges become more complex and will require well thought out solutions. We brought the best minds in the industry with their deep insights and proven experience to talk to us. They did a fantastic job’’.

Tanzanian born Rosemary Mwakitwange, chairperson of Marketing Society of Tanzania spoke on Branding as Way to Market. She encouraged Tanzanians to embrace the principles of Branding and Branding Management and leveraged to create endearing value for both self, the organizations they work for and the nation of Tanzania. She stressed that a brand is the sum total of the experiences people have when they interact with products and services. The better the experiences, the better perceived and positioned the products, people or organizations are.

One of the promotional mixes that delivers so much value to any brand but it is not well understood is Experiential Marketing. Colin Mandell, the Group Experience Director at Exp, Africa's largest and leading Experiential Marketing agency with operations in 15 countries including Tanzania spoke on Insights, Learning and Best Practices of Experiential Marketing in Brand Plan. . It is often said that advertising creates awareness but connections are made through experiential engagement.

Barry Sayer, CEO Continental Outdoor Media, an Outdoor Advertising Company which is the market leader in South Africa and trades in 14 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands.  He spoke on Direction of Outdoor Advertising stressing that though outdoor advertising is perceived to be very expensive, it is extremely economical if properly deployed.

Kenyan based Caroline Lukalo lit the conference with a very engaging discussion on Cause Marketing. She stressed that customers will be more favorably disposed to buy a product that they know that believes and supports the cause they believe in. She encouraged brand managers to include Cause Marketing in their brand plan given its ability to create endearing engagement with not just the customers but the public at large.

Finally, Eddie P. Roberts, spoke on the New Opportunities for Marketing and Public Relations. Eddie who is the CEO of Push Observer, the only digital media monitoring service provider in Tanzania appealed to Marketers and Communication professionals to avail themselves of the huge opportunity in public relations to grow volume and value in this day and age.

In conclusion, Ikechukwu Kalu, a director at MIL, called on Marketing and Communication professionals in the East African Common Market to embrace and promote the marketing mind set in the discharge of their roles. He noted, ‘We must see ourselves as business managers whose actions and inactions would have far reaching impact on our persons and the organizations we represent’.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

mdau Sunday Shomari alikacha rasmi kundi la ukapera

 Mdau Sunday Shomari akiwa na Mai waifu wake Elinita Mhando wakati wa Ndoa yao iliyofanyika leo katika kanisa la Mt. Emmaculata,Upanga jijini Dar es Salaam.
 Maharusi Sunday Shomari na Mai Waifu wake Elinita Mhando wakivishana pete ikiwa ni ishara ya kufunga pingu za maisha mpaka Mungu atakapowatenganisha.
 Padri akiongoza ibada ya Ndoa ya Mdau Sunday Shomari na Mai Waifu wake,Elinita Mhando mchana wa leo katika kanisa la Mt. Emmaculata,Upanga jijini Dar es Salaam.
 Ibada ya ndoa ikifanywa.
 Maharusi na Kapu la Sadaka wakati wakienda kukabidhi kwa Padri.
 Maharusi na Wapambe wao wakifuatilia Ibada ya ndoa.
 Bw. Harusi Sunday Shomari akisoma neno la Mungu huku Mpambe wake Chacha Maginga akiwa pembeni yake.
 Sunday Shomari akiwa ni mwenye Furaha baada ya Kuchukua jumla mchana wa leo.
 Bi. Harusi Elinita Mhando na tabasamu zito.
Maharusi na Nondozz zao.
 Ndugu,jamaa na Marafiki wakiofika kanisani hapo katika ibada ya Ndoa ya Mdau Sunday Shomari na Mai waifu wake,Elinita Mhando.
Mdau Baraka Munisi akiwa nje ya mkoko wake matata jijini Dar ambao ndio uliotumika kuwabeba maharusi.
 Maharusi katika picha ya pamoja.
 Full kupendezaaa
 Maharusi na Wapambe wao.
 Bi. Harusi na Matron wake.
 Bw. Harusi na Mpambe wake.
 Pozzzz tofauti tofauti za Maharusi.
 Maharuzi na Wazazi.
Maharusi na Marafiki.
 Taswirazz zikichukuliwa.
 Maharusi wakitoka kanisani.

Hon. Membe addresses UN General Assembly

Foreign Minister of Tanzania Addresses General Assembly
Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation addresses the United Nations General Assembly earlier today on behalf of H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania.  (This photo is courtesy of UN/J Carrier)
Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP) (right), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation reading statements from various delegates together with Hon. Mathias Chikawe (MP) (center), Minister for Constitutional  and Legal Affairs.  Left is Hon. Abubakar Khamis Bakary, Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs in Zanzibar.  
Chief Secretary Ambassador Ombeni Y. Sefue (2nd right), reviewing various documents prior to Hon. Membe's Statement before United Nations General Assembly.  Left is Hon. Mussa Hassan Mussa (MP) and Mrs. Dorcas Membe (3rd right).
H.E. Ambassador Tuvako Manongi, Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations (right), H.E. Prof. Dr. Joram M. Biswaro (2nd right), Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative of Tanzania to the Africa Union and United Nations Economic Comission for Africa (UNECA).  Others are H.E. Ambassador Liberata Mulamula, Senior Advisor to President Kikwete (Diplomatic Affairs) and H.E. Ambassador Mwanaidi Sinare Maajar, Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United States of America and Mexico.   
Mrs. Darscas Membe contratulating Hon. Membe after he finished addressing the United Nations General Assembly.  Witnessing the moment is H.E. Ambassador Tuvako Manongi.
H.E. Ambassador Tuvako Manongi congratulates Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP) after he finished addressing the UN General Assembly today in New York.  
H.E. Dr. Biswaro congratulates Hon. Membe.
Hon. Mussa (MP) congratulates Hon. Membe.
Chief Secretary Ambassador Ombeni Y. Sefue congratulates Foreign Minister Hon. Membe.   
Hon. Abubakar Khamis Bakary (MHR), Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs in Zanzibar congratulates Hon. Membe.
Ambassador Mulamula congratulates Hon. Membe.
Mrs. Darscas Membe in a photo together with Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation after he gave his Statement on behalf of President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete during the General Debate at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday in New York, USA. 
H.E. Ambassador Tuvako Manongi (left), Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations in a photo with Hon. Membe (center) and Mrs. Darscas Membe. 
Hon. Membe and Mrs. Darscas Membe in a photo outside the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA. 
Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP) (center) in a photo with Ambassador Liberata Mulamula (right), Senior Advisor to President Kikwete (Diplomatic Affairs) and Mrs. Darscas Membe. 
Mr. Togolani Mavura (left), Private Assistant to Hon. Membe congratulates his boss, Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation for making Tanzania proud for his grandiose speech at the United Nations General Assembly.  Hon. Membe led the Tanzania delegation on behalf of President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete.  
Ms. Tagie Daisy Mwakawago, Communication Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation took little time off behind the camera and reporting to congratulate Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP) after he delivered his Statement at the UN General Assembly.  (photo by Mr. Rainman) 
Mr. Modest Jonathan Mero, Minister Plenipotentiary of the Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the UN briefs Hon. Membe (left) about Tanzania Mission.  Center is H.E. Ambassador Tuvako Manongi, Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations.   
Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP) (5th left), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, in a group photo with home-based staff members at the Tanzania Mission to United Nations in New York, together with Ms. Annette Mmari (2nd left), Secretary to the Minister and Ms. Ramla Khamis (left), Second Secretary in the Department of Multilateral Cooperatin in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation.