Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kili Marathon & Vodacom's 5km FUN RUN 2011

Ni saa 12 asubuhi, wakimbiaji kibao wako tayari kushindana
Vilele vya Kilimanjaro vikikonyeza kwa mbaaaali....
Kaa tayari...
Hamna mchezo hapa....
Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Moshi na Kaimu Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Kilimanjaro Alhaj Mussa Samizi akilianzisha
Haya twendeeeee...
Wakimbiaji zaidi ya 2000 walijitokeza
.Mbio zinaanza
Haya jiandaeni sasa...
Mama na wana...
Wanaume... eeeeh!
Maji maji....
Jamani eeehh... si nimekwambia ntakulipa nikimaliza hii marasoni???
Mbio mbio mbio...
Tanzania oye!
Simu ya mkononi haikosekani hapa
Vijana wakimpa taffu mnkimbiaji
Washiriki wakiwa mbioni
Ulinzi wa uhakika ulikuwepo
Mratibu mkuu wa michuano hii Aggrey Marealle
wa Executive Solutions akiwa kazini

Mshindi wa pili wa wanawake Banuelia Brighton akimaliza mbio
Mshindi wa kwanza wa wanawake wa Kili
Marathon 2011 Anna Kamau toka Kenya

Mshindi wa pili kwa wanaume Julius Kilimo wa Tanzania akimaliza mbio
Umati katika uwanja wa chuo cha ushirika
Waziri wa Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo Dkt Emmanuel Nchimbi akimpogenza bingwa wa wanawake wa Kili Marathon 2011 Anna Kamau toka Kenya
Dkt. Nchimbi akiwavisha medali washindi
Dkt. Emmanuel Nchimbi akimvisha medali
mshindi wa pili wa wanawake Banuelia Brighton

Vodacom 5km FUN RUN a smash hit!

Oh, I looooooveeeeee this country!!!!
Damn! Wish I also brought some 'kitimoto' down here...
Hohohohohooooo we made it!
Oh no! Batteries down at this hour, can you imagine...
Aw! c'mon Amkal give us a break..
Oldest male runner awarded by Hai District Commissioner
Hai District commissioner awards a present to a runner with disability
Youngest runner rewarded
Aw! C'mon guys. a cool Kili beer is needed here pse...
Age ain't nothing but a number..
Horray... I made it!
We did it!
Over 70 but still huffing and puffing it to the finish line.. bravo mzee!
Issa Batenga is complaining why the medals have to be
provided after dope tests? Aw! not fair at all
The top medalists
If they dont come we drink it all ourselves...
Now, where the hell are the promised medals??
Time keepers
I've come all the way from the USA not to
be beaten by you guys, sorry...
Is this water or cement..
stop whining and walk, I mean run...
Daddy pse gimme my vuvuzela back!
Dad.. aren't we there yet?
C'mon be serious... you mean I am the last one????
Helping a youth with special needs
We can run too... see?
Hey... wait for me!
Mum... where are we going...
Best foot forward
Hope we are not lost...